06 Oct 2009

PKalc - Nutrient Budget Estimation Spreadsheet

Note: This material is based upon work supported by the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES), U.S. Department of Agriculture, under agreement No. 00-52103-9679 of the Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (IFAFS) program. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this(these) publication(s) are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Spreadsheet tool
To run, macro security setting should be set to "Medium". Enable macros upon opening.
(refer to PKalc Quick-Start Guide or User Manual for guidance)

PKalc v1.13.xlsPKalc v1.13.xls
User manuals
PKalc 1.13 quick-start guide
(T.S. Murrell and Q.B. Rund)

PKalc QuickStart v1.13.pdfPKalc QuickStart v1.13.pdf
PKalc 1.13 user manual: color version
(T.S. Murrell and Q.B. Rund)

PKalc v1.13 Manual Clr.pdfPKalc v1.13 Manual Clr.pdf
PKalc 1.13 user manual: black and white version
(T.S. Murrell and Q.B. Rund)

PKalc v1.13 Manual BW.pdfPKalc v1.13 Manual BW.pdf
PKalc 1.13 user manual: black and white version
(T.S. Murrell and Q.B. Rund)

PKalc v1.13 Manual.docPKalc v1.13 Manual.doc
Spreadsheet developed in the user manual

PKalc v1.13 Manual.xlsPKalc v1.13 Manual.xls

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